
Sunday, August 5, 2018

Divine Mini Dress

This wrap dress by Billabong is the object of my affection today. It's my go-to for when I feel like I have nothing to wear. I just slip on this dress and my style rut is immediately over! Crazy, huh? I'm not saying this dress is magical, but it very well might be! I bought this dress last summer so the print I have it in isn't available anymore. I linked to a different print of the dress if you guys are interested though!

I usually pair this dress with sandals, but I had to work a long shift today so I wore my Vans instead. They're kind of a creamy baby salmon pink color and I actually haven't seen them in stores since I bought them. Perhaps another mystical item in my closet? Doubtful, but the thought of owning mystery Vans makes me feel special! But not as special as this dress makes me feel. So if y'all are interested in having a little piece of magic in your closet, I definitely recommend the Divine Mini Dress!

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